Thursday, December 25, 2008

Home Improvements

Federal Loan Programs
About HUD’s rehabilitation and repair home loan
Program description
Q&As about HUD’s rehabilitation and repair loan
HUD's property improvement loan
Fixing up your home and how to finance it
HUD-approved lenders
Home Improvement Loans for Native Americans
Rural home improvement and repair loans/grants
Community-based Programs
HOME program
Contact a HOME representative in your community
Community Development Block Grant Program
Contact a CDBG representative in your area

Consumer Information
Household Energy Efficiency - Home Energy Briefs
Protect yourself: deceptive home improvement contractors
Home energy saver

Thursday, December 18, 2008


If You Are Homeless

If you are homeless, help is available! HUD, along with many other federal agencies, funds programs to help the homeless. These programs are managed by local organizations that provide a range of services, including shelter, food, counseling, and jobs skills programs. So start by contacting a homeless assistance agency in your area.
- Local homeless assistance
- Housing counseling
- Information for homeless veterans (HUDVet)
If You Are a Homeless Assistance Provider
- HUD's Homeless Assistance programs
- More on HUD's homeless assistance programs
- Second Chance Homes
- Interagency Council on Homelessness
If You Want to Help the Homeless...
- Donate to your local food bank
- State homeless assistance organizations
- Kids can help the homeless

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Owning a Home

Maintaining and Improving Your Home
HUD programs - HUD has a number of programs that may help you with home improvements
Rural housing repair and rehabilitation grants and loans
Home improvements for senior citizens
Avoid deceptive home improvement contractors
Tips for hiring a contractor
Home maintenance and repair - great index of "how to's" from repairing leaky faucets to getting ketchup out of carpet

Information for people with disabilities
Energy and Your Home Environment
Make your home energy efficient with the Energy Star program
Home energy saver - find the best ways to save energy in your home
Consumer Energy Information from the Department of Energy
Protect your home from lead hazards
Indoor air quality
Paying Your Mortgage
Escrow accounts - in most cases, part of your monthly mortgage payment goes into an escrow account. Know what to expect
Mortgage insurance premiums
Your rights and the responsibilities of the mortgage servicer
Reservists, Guardsmen, and Other Military Personnel have special protections
Having trouble with your FHA lender? - HUD's National Servicing Center may be able to help you
If you are facing the loss of your home…
Avoiding foreclosure on an FHA loan
If you have trouble paying your VA loan

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Selling a Home

Selling your home can be exciting, but it also takes work. You’ll need to fix all those little problems you’ve let go for so many years. You need to decide if you’re going to try to sell your own home or use a professional real estate broker. And you’ll need to be patient! Selling your home can take some time, depending on your local real estate market.

Learn about the process and the pitfalls of selling your home, before you begin. Here are just some of the resources available.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Local Governments

* American Hometowns – Towns, Cities, and Counties: Use the 50-state directory to find local governments.
* In-Person Service Centers in Your Community – Find government offices and services such as local motor vehicle offices, post offices, and nursing home facilities.
* International City/County Management Association – Professional and educational organization for members of the local government community.
* National Association of Counties – The only national organization representing county governments in the U.S.
* National Civic League – Nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to strengthening citizen democracy in local communities.
* National League of Cities – Largest national organization of municipal governments, representing 18,000 cities, towns, and villages in the U.S.
* State and Local Government Employees – Information and services for state and local government employees, including links on grants, disaster management, and education.
* Statistics at the State and Local Levels – Data about population, health, economy, government, and more.
* U.S. Conference of Mayors – Official nonpartisan organization of U.S. mayors, representing cities with populations of 30,000 or more.
* U.S. Mayors – Locate mayors by name, city, or population size.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

State Government

U.S. States

* Alabama
* Alaska
* Arizona
* Arkansas
* California
* Colorado
* Connecticut
* Delaware
* District of Columbia
* Florida
* Georgia
* Hawaii
* Idaho
* Illinois
* Indiana
* Iowa
* Kansas

* Kentucky
* Louisiana
* Maine
* Maryland
* Massachusetts
* Michigan
* Minnesota
* Mississippi
* Missouri
* Montana
* Nebraska
* Nevada
* New Hampshire
* New Jersey
* New Mexico
* New York
* North Carolina

* North Dakota
* Ohio
* Oklahoma
* Oregon
* Pennsylvania
* Rhode Island
* South Carolina
* South Dakota
* Tennessee
* Texas
* Utah
* Vermont
* Virginia
* Washington
* West Virginia
* Wisconsin
* Wyomin

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Contact Your Government

Frequently Asked Questions

Before you contact the government, we encourage you to check our FAQ pages. The answer you need may be only a click away.

* Governmentwide FAQs – Search our database of the 2000+ most frequently asked questions about government programs and services.
* FAQs by Agency and Program – Browse our directory of frequently asked question pages from agencies and programs throughout the federal government.

Contact the Government

If you didn't find the answers to your question in our frequently asked questions pages, please contact the government directly.

* Contact Your Elected Officials – We encourage you to contact your elected officials and share your thoughts on current events and government policy.
* Contact Links Organized by Topic – Find contacts by topic without having to know the name of the government agency.
* Contact Links Organized by Agency – Find contacts for a particular agency, such as the White House or Internal Revenue Service.
* Telephone and E-mail Directories – Find agency directories, TTY directories, toll-free numbers, military locators, and more.
* In-Person Service Directory – Locate government offices and services in your community, region, or state.
* 1 (800) FED INFO – Call toll-free between 8 AM and 8 PM Eastern time, Monday through Friday, except federal holidays.
* Blogs from the U.S. Government – Read blogs from various U.S. government sourc

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Businesses and Nonprofits

Information by Topic

Buying from the Government
Sales of surplus property, sales by agency, loan portfolios and investments, postal products, Treasury bills, notes...

Sell to the Government
Government contracting, FedBizOpps, procurement opportunities, Central Contractor Registration...

Launch a Business
Business plans, mentorship, buying a franchise, buying a business, choosing a structure, naming your business...

Managing and Growing a Business
Making business decisions, managing employees, understanding fair practice, choosing insurance plans...

State Programs
Local information, laws, financial assistance, contact information...

Data and Statistics
Economic, demographic, industry, and regional statistics...

Financial Assistance
Business start-up assistance, business loans, equity capital, special-purpose loans...

International Trade
International trade analysis, market compliance, import administration, trade promotion, fair trade...

Export basics, foreign currency rates, tariffs and taxes...

Laws and Regulations
Legal dictionary, lawyer locators, alternative dispute resolution, federal and state laws...

Business Taxes
Tax guides, state taxes, information by business structure, industries and professions, tax fraud...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Business sector

With the development of private property ownership, real estate has become a major area of business. Purchasing real estate requires a significant investment, and each parcel of land has unique characteristics, so the real estate industry has evolved into several distinct fields. Specialists are often called on to valuate real estate and facilitate transactions

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mortgages in real estate

In recent years, many economists have recognized that the lack of effective real estate laws can be a significant barrier to investment in many developing countries. In most societies, rich or poor, a significant fraction of the total wealth is in the form of land and buildings.In most advanced economies, the main source of capital used by individuals and small companies to purchase and improve land and buildings is mortgage loans (or other instruments). These are loans for which the real property itself constitutes collateral. Banks are willing to make such loans at favorable rates in large part because, if the borrower does not make payments, the lender can foreclose by filing a court action which allows them take back the property and sell it to get their money back. For investors, profitability can be enhanced by using an off plan or pre-construction strategy to purchase at a lower price which is often the case in the pre-construction phase of development.But in many developing countries there is no effective means by which a lender could foreclose, so the mortgage loan industry, as such, either does not exist at all or is only available to members of privileged social classes.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Real estate appraisal

Real estate appraisal, property valuation or land valuation is the practice of developing an opinion of the value of real property, usually its Market Value. The need for appraisals arises from the heterogeneous nature of property as an investment class: no two properties are identical, and all properties differ from each other in their location - which is the most important determinant of their value. So there cannot exist a centralized Walrasian auction setting for the trading of property assets, as there exists for trade in corporate stock. The absence of a market-based pricing mechanism determines the need for an expert appraisal/valuation of real estate/property

Real Estate Salesperson's Licence

A salesperson may be licensed only as the salesperson of a licensed agent

The termination of the employment of a salesperson with a licensed agent shall operate as a suspension of the licence of that salesperson until written notice has been received by the superintendent from that or another licensed agent of his or her intention to re-employ or employ the salesperson and until the salesperson's licence has been restored or renewed and the salesperson has been notified in writing by the superintendent of the restoration or renewal.

An associate, partner or employee of a natural person who is a licensed agent, or an officer, member or employee of a partnership or corporation which is a licensed agent may apply for a salesperson's licence.

An application for a salesperson's licence shall be accompanied by a statement made by or on behalf of the licensed agent for whom the applicant proposes to act as salesperson,

(a) recommending the applicant as an appropriate person to receive a salesperson's licence; and
(b) declaring that, where the applicant is granted a licence, the applicant shall act as a salesperson employed by and representing the licensed agent by or on whose behalf the statement is made.

A salesperson's licence shall have written on the licence the name of the licensed agent who is the principal of that salesperson.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Have Interview with Real Estate Brokers

Choosing the right person to sell your home is one of the most important steps of selling. Therefore, choose wisely.

At a minimum, speak with 2 or 3 brokers from different agencies. Ask prospective brokers the same list of questions, in order to compare their answers. Find out what they would do to sell your house.

Above all, choose a broker that you feel comfortable with and like. This person will help you make the biggest sale of your life, so find someone you think will do a good job!

The following is a list of questions that may be helpful to ask while speaking with prospective real estate brokers.

How many years have you been in business?
For how long have you sold houses in this area?
How many houses did you sell in the past year?
What is your commission?
If I were to work with you, how would you market my house?
Will you organize meetings with potential buyers and will you coordinate them personally?
Can you give me names and telephone numbers of other families that have used your services?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Joint DOJ/FTC Workshop on Real Estate Services

The Antitrust Division is working to build on our understanding of real estate markets, and why they may not be behaving as efficiently as they could, to aid our enforcement and competition advocacy efforts. Last October, we and the Federal Trade Commission held a joint workshop on competition issues in real estate brokerage. We invited state officials, economists, and other experts and market participants, including representatives of traditional brokers and brokers with Internet-based and other innovative business models.

The participants publicly debated the relevant issues, covering topics such as the structure of real estate transactions, use of multiple listing services, emergence of new and innovative business models, government and private restraints on real estate competition, minimum-service laws, legal prohibitions on offering rebates and other inducements to consumers, and empirical evidence on competition in the real estate industry. The Division and FTC continue to study the information presented during the workshop, and plan to issue a report later this year.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

First plan (1951-1956)

The first Indian Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru presented the first five-year plan to the Parliament of India on December 8, 1951. The total plan budget of 206.8 billion INR (23.6 billion USD in the 1950 exchange rate) was allocated to seven broad areas: irrigation and energy (27.2 percent), agriculture and community development (17.4 percent), transport and communications (24 percent), industry (8.4 percent), social services (16.64 percent), land rehabilitation 4.1 percent), and other (2.5 percent).

The target growth rate was 2.1 percent annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth; the achieved growth rate was 3.6 percent. During the first five-year plan the net domestic product went up by 15 percent. The monsoons were good and there were relatively high crop yields, boosting exchange reserves and per capita income, which went up 8 percent. Lower increase of per capita income as compared to national income was due to rapid population growth. Many irrigation projects were initiated during this period, including the Bhakra Dam, Hirakud Dam, and Mettur Dam in South India. The World Health Organization, with the Indian government, addressed children's health and reduced infant mortality, contributing to population growth.

At the end of the plan period in 1956, five Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) were started as major technical institutions. University Grant Commission was set up to take care of funding and take measures to strengthen the higher education in the country.

Contracts were signed to start five steel plants; however these plants did not come into existence until the middle of the next five-year plan

Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Technology and Innovation in Real Estate

New technology is one of the keys to more competitive real estate markets. In industries throughout our economy, the Internet has brought extraordinary new opportunities for increased competition, giving consumers better access to information about products and services and lowering costs and prices. In recent years, web-based business models have emerged in markets such as travel and lodging reservations, stock and insurance purchases, and book and music sales, to name a few. New competition from these new business models has been good for consumers, resulting in increased choice, lower prices, and savings in personal time and effort.

New business models can offer the same kinds of benefits for buyers and sellers of real estate, in competition with traditional "brick and mortar" office brokerages in which customers interact only through individual brokers. For example, some brokers have begun providing information on homes for sale to their customers through the Internet. Using the Internet can allow web-savvy buyers to become educated about neighborhoods and examine suitable houses more efficiently than using a traditional broker. Home buyers can research neighborhoods and houses working on their personal computers, on their own schedule, and at their own pace, before spending time with an individual broker. This saves time brokers would otherwise spend searching through home listings or showing homes the buyer has not had the chance to explore more fully in advance.

In real estate, the cost of providing brokerage services appears to have decreased. But consumers are paying more. As the U.S. home sale price has climbed, the dollar amount paid for brokerage services has climbed right alongside it, because commission percentages have remained high. In fact, from 2000 to 2004, fees paid for brokerage services grew by roughly 50 percent, to over $60 billion in 2004.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Buyers as customers

In most states, until the 1990s, buyers who worked with an agent of a real estate broker in finding a house were customers of the brokerage, since the broker represented only sellers.

Today, state laws differ. Buyers and/or sellers may be represented. Typically, a written "Buyer Brokerage" agreement is required for the buyer to have representation (regardless of which party is paying the commission), although by his/her actions, an agent can create representation.

Find real estate in accordance with the buyers’ needs, specifications, and affordability.
Take buyers to and shows them properties available for sale.
When deemed appropriate, prescreen buyers to ensure they are financially qualified to buy the properties shown (or uses a mortgage professional to do that task). Assist the buyer in making an offer for the property.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Real estate brokers and buyers

Services provided to buyers
Buyers as clients
Buyers as clients With the increase in the practice of buyer brokerage in the US, especially since the late 1990s in most states, agents (acting under their brokers) have been able to represent buyers in the transaction of for sale by owner with a written "Buyer Agency Agreement" not unlike the "Listing Agreement" for sellers. In this case, buyers are clients of the brokerage and sell your home without an agent can be made possible.

There are brokerages who represent buyers only and they are known as Exclusive Buyer Agents. The main advantages of obtaining the service of an Exclusive Buyer Agent is that they avoid conflicts of interest by working in the best interests of the buyer and not the seller, avoid homes and neighborhoods likely to fare poorly in the marketplace, ensure the buyer does not unknowingly overpay for a property, fully informs the buyer of adverse conditions, encourages the buyer to make offers based on true value instead of list price which can sometimes be overstated, and works to save the buyer money.

A real estate brokerage attempts to do the following for the buyers to buy a house fast of real estate only when they represent the buyers with some form of written buyer-brokerage agreement:

At first, find real estate in accordance with the buyer’s need, specifications, and cost. Takes buyers to and take them to show the properties available for sale. When deemed appropriate, pre-screens buyers to ensure they are financially qualified to buy the properties shown.

Negotiates price and terms on behalf of the buyers and prepares standard real estate purchase contract by filling in the blanks in the contract form. The buyer's agent acts as a fiduciary for the buyer.

Due to the importance of the role of representing buyers interest, many brokers seeks to play the role of client advocate are now seeking out the services of Certified Mortgage Planners, industry experts that work in concert with Certified Financial Planners to align consumers' home finance positions with their larger financial portfolio.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pursuance of Real estate developer

Real estate development is a process where the entity makes the improvements to the real property thereby increasing its value. The developer will develop the business model by specific building typology or by geographic preferences. Generally, in real estate investing business the real estate developer may be an individual, but most of the cases, he may be a partnership limited liability company or corporation. The person who have involved as a principal in the business transaction is called to be the property developer by occupation.

The real estate developers specializes in specific product typology like residential single family, residential multi family, urban mixed use, retail, commercial office and industrial area. Special professional courses are offered for the people by number of academic institutions to create masters in real estate development.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mortgage in Real Estate Market

In real estate investing, mortgage plays the dominant role among real estate brokers, buyers and sellers. Mortgage is one of the important terms used in the real estate transaction and almost for sale by owner and buyer requires mortgages to sell or buy the property.

Today, more number of companies started providing mortgages for the people who requires in different interest rates. Investing in property is not an easier task and nowadays, it becomes more complicated. Real estate investing fetches more demand among people and every single moment the land value gets increased. As per the business transaction, the term mortgage loans refer to a source of capital used by individual and companies to purchase or improve the land and building. More financial institutions, banks and mortgage lenders are providing fruitful services to the industry in graceful way. For investors, profitability can be enhanced by using a strategy to purchase the land at lower price.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Real Estate Economics

Real estate economics is an application of economic techniques to the real estate markets. The real estate market describes, explains and predicts the pattern of prices, supply and demand of real estate properties.

Real estate economics is one of the important terms used in the real estate market for sale or purchase of property. Before moving for a purchase of house property, the buyer should have to analyze the basic progressions, demand, supply and value for the property.

To facilitate the sellers and buyers, nowadays, people started offering sell house online is provided. Investor can have a look at various properties available in the market and considering the demand and supply, they can negotiate the process.

In a real estate investing market, more number of people is engaged to successfully execute the process. The people engaged in sell house fast or house purchase are owner/user, owner, renter, developer, renovators and facilitators. The basic characteristic of the market includes durability, heterogeneous, high transaction costs, long time delays, profitable investment and immobility.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Real Estate Investing - Residential Property

In real estate investing, residential property forms to be important part and more number of people make investment on the residential property to yield rent.

People can make use of for sale by owner tips while buying or selling the real estate property. It is a land used for housing the property. This includes single family housing, multiple family housing like apartments, duplexes, town homes and even mobile homes. The residential differentiations are made under various zones like inner city residential, inner mixed zone, established residential, new development, urban rural fringe, rural residential and sub regional centers.

The real estate investing information includes the residential zoning as smaller FAR than business, commercial or industrial or manufacturing zoning. The residential housing should be permit from the department of real estate and with regards to the permit obtained. Today, real estate properties fetch more demand in the market due to the infrastructure development and property value.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement

The Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement (TDS) describes the condition of a property and, in the case of homes for sale, must be given to a prospective buyer as soon as practicable and before transfer of title. In the case of for sale by owner by a real property sales contract by a lease coupled with an option to purchase, or by a ground lease coupled with improvements, the TDS is to be delivered before the execution of any of the foregoing.

The seller and any broker(s)/agent(s) or real estate investor involved are to participate in the disclosures. If more than one broker/agent is involved in Real Estate Investing, the broker/agent obtaining the offer is to deliver the disclosures to the prospective buyer unless the seller instructs otherwise.

Delivery to the prospective buyer of a report or opinion prepared by a licensed engineer, land surveyor, geologist, structural pest control operator, contractor, or other expert (dealing with matters within the scope of the professional’s license or expertise) may limit the liability of the seller and the real estate broker(s)/agent(s) when making required disclosures. The overall intention is to provide meaningful disclosures about the condition of the property being sold or transferred.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Real Estate Investment Opportunity

A real estate broker is a person who acts as an intermediate between the buyer and the seller of the real estate investing. In US, the term real estate broker was established with regards to English common law of agency with the broker having fiduciary relationship with the client.

Investing in property requires handsome of experience and knowledge in the field and without such knowledge, both the buyer and seller finds difficult to fetch adequate profit.

For buyers and sellers, Real estate investment opportunity is available to wide extent and interested people should seek the help of the good realtor.

The general real estate terms used in the business are “We buy houses for cash, Sell home for cash, I buy houses, for sale by owner and still more”. The real estate broker is required to have a license in order to perform his services in a legal manner.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Real Estate Property Management

Investing in a real estate market is significant process where the realtor obtains more profit along with interest. Property management is one of the business activity performed in real estate investing on commercial, industrial or residential real estate.

The property manager is the person who assists real estate website investor of buying and selling homes for cash. The real estate investor manages the development, repairs, maintenance and construction of the investing in property. The professional is required to obtain adequate license from the state department as real estate broker, if they engage in collecting rent, listing properties for rent or negotiating the leases. The manager holds the full responsibility on the property and any litigation on behalf of real estate investment, special steps can be taken.

The property management companies hold the special real estate investing information, so that the process can be successfully performed. In real estate market, the property manager plays the major role and he is the one who can efficiently perform the strategies.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Real Estate License Examinations

The law requires that the Department of Real Estate (DRE) ascertain, by written examination, the competency of a prospective real estate licensee. DRE cannot waive this examination requirement.

Business and Professions Code Section 10153 requires that the real estate examinations test for the following:knowledge of the English language, including reading, writing and spelling; and of arithmetical computations used in real estate and business opportunity practices. Understanding of the principles of real estate and business opportunity conveyancing. The general purposes and general legal effect of agency contracts, deposit receipts,deeds, mortgages, deeds of trust, chattel mortgages, bills of sale, land contracts of sale and leases; and of the principles of business and land economics and appraisals. Understanding of the obligations between principal and agent; of the principles of real estate and business opportunity practice and the canons of business ethics pertaining thereto; and of the Real Estate Law, the Subdivided Lands Law and the Commissioner's Regulations.

Unless a prospective licensee has had experience with the various types of real estate transactions and has thorough knowledge of real estate fundamentals, including the obligations of an agent and the laws and regulations governing an agent’s activities, it is suggested that serious study be undertaken prior to taking the examination. Even persons well-grounded in these areas will find a review extremely valuable. Real estate courses are available at colleges and private

Monday, August 11, 2008

I buy houses for cash. What Should I Do?

I buy houses for cash
If you are thinking of buy homes in Florida, you decide to accept an earlier test result from the seller, or ask the seller for a new test to be conducted by a qualified real estate broker. Before you decide to go for investigating the seller’s house, you should determine:

Make sure that you conducted the previous scrutinizing on the house property, whether the homeowner, a professional, or some other person.
Also check where the investigation has been taken place, whether in the lower floor or any other place of the home.
Most of the people wonder how to buy a house in the state are required to follow the steps instructed by the real estate professional.
When the seller sell a house fast, then check the structural changes, alterations, ventilation, and air conditioning system made to the house.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Licensed Real Estate Agents - Real Estate Tax Tips

Most real estate professionals operate their business as a sole proprietorship. This means that you are not someone's employee, you haven't formed a partnership with anyone, and you have not incorporated your business.

Statutory Nonemployees

Licensed real estate agents are statutory nonemployees and are treated as self-employed for all Federal tax purposes, including income and employment taxes, if:

Substantially all payments for their services as real estate agents are directly related to sales or other output, rather than to the number of hours worked Their services are performed under a written contract providing that they will not be treated as employees for Federal tax purposes

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cheap Land for Sale - Some Simple Tips to Make Money Fast With Low Risk

Real estate investments, Real estate investors, real estate Investor websites, real estate investing tips, real Estate Investment Steps

Buying cheap land for sale is one of the quickest ways to build wealth. It has and is used by some of the world's most successful investors.

It's easy to do even for small investors and has better rewards to risk than any other investment.

Here are 6 simple tips to build wealth in cheap land for sale that could make you rich.

1. Don't Buy The Cheapest Land!

When buying cheap land for sale you don't want the cheapest land for sale you can find.

You want it cheap with good profit potential and there is a difference.

There is plenty of cheap land available in the middle of Montana or Haiti, but what are the chances it increases in value? Not much.

Cheap land for sale is only worth buying if it has profit potential

When buying cheap land for sale only, buy land that has growth potential - this is the key to profits.

In the US and most other G7 countries the price of land is expensive already, and in many instances has low growth potential.

If you want to get more for money when buying cheap land for sale look overseas.

2. Overseas Land

Many new emerging markets not only allow you to boy cheaply but allow you to take advantage of dynamic growth economies.

A great area to consider is Central America.

Just a three hour flight away and you have the opportunity to seek 100% annual gains with low risk. Buying is easy and safe.

3. Don't be a Pioneer

Look for a land market that's on the move already and has an upward trend of growth.

You can buy cheap land for sale in a country that may become the next hot spot but why take the risk? It probably wont.

Most new hot spots never take off. Sure, the rewards can be big but so to is the risk.

There is plenty of cheap land for sale in Romania and that is touted as a new hot spot but don't think I would take the risk!

Stick with markets that are on the move as property trends tend to last for decades once they are in an upward trend.

4. Location

Even if you have a country showing good growth not all cheap land for sale is going to rise at the same rate and here you need to be careful of location.

Look at where the next big developments are coming, such as highways, marinas and airports, or buy near existing expanding locations.

If you do this you will be able to benefit as cheap land for sale becomes more expensive as projects complete and areas expand increasing the value of the land.

5. Use Common Sense & Draw Your Own Conclusions

When buying cheap land for sale don't be taken in by sales talk, make your own mind up on the potential of the area you are investing in.

Will anyone want to buy the land in the future i.e will it be snapped up by developers.

Also, make sure you invest only in safe stable countries where you get the same rights of purchase as residents.

Finally, get a lawyer and Realtor to help you, its money well spent and they will make sure everything runs smoothly.

Good countries

Perhaps one the best is Costa Rica. With beach front property up to 70% less than in the US it's booming and buying cheap land for sale here is making 100% annual profits with very little downside risk.

It's safe, stable, cheap, has a track record of growth, buying is easy and you have the same rights as residents and profit potential can be up to 100% per annum with low risk

There are many more opportunities to get cheap land for sale and make profits, but the above is a good country to start with.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Investing in real estate

Real estate investments, Real estate investors, real estate Investor websites, real estate investing tips, real Estate Investment Steps

Investing in property is simply another form of investment. You can invest:

* directly by buying property yourself or
* indirectly by investing in a managed fund, includes timeshares.

Although real estate agents may understand the property market, you should still seek some independent advice, because property investment might not be for you.

Licensing of real estate agents

We do not licence real estate agents who give advice only about property investments; they are licensed by state and territory agencies.

We do licence real estate agents who give you advice about financial products, for example insurance products or negatively geared investment packages. These agents must hold a licence from us or be an employee or authorised representative of a licence holder. You can check ASIC's databases to see if a real estate agent is licensed or is an authorised representative of a licensed adviser. If you think the real estate agent might be providing financial product advice to you and you cannot find their name on our registers.

Before you buy real estate as an investment asset
Most of our advice about investing also applies to investing in property. Here's some general advice.

1 Be wary of pressure selling techniques and high pressure seminars
Some sales people can be extremely persuasive and persistent. They often use gimmicks like offering you a "once in a lifetime opportunity".

2 What are your overall financial plans?

Before investing in any asset make sure your decision fits into your overall investment strategy. If you don't have an overall investment strategy then now is the time to develop one:

* Think about what you want to achieve financially and how soon do you want to achieve it.
* Set yourself goals.

3 Understand the risks involved

Make sure you are comfortable with the risks associated with a particular investment. All investments carry risks. Generally the higher the risk the higher the returns.

* Do you know what the risks are in real estate? Can you sleep at night knowing this? If you can't then perhaps you should invest in an asset with less risk.
* All good financial plans will split your money up against a range of assets in order to spread the risk. Think about this as you think about investing in real estate. Will you have all your eggs in one basket if you buy a particular piece of real estate?
* Remember that all types of investments have cycles of profitability and cycles of losses. These cycles can last for years. Will real estate cycles fit your financial plans?

4 Getting advice

Decide whether you need professional advice. If you're dealing with a financial adviser then make sure they're licensed by ASIC.

5 Investing directly or indirectly

You can invest directly or indirectly in many assets, including real estate, through a managed fund. Timeshares are a type of managed investment scheme.

6 Do your homework

Find out as much as possible about any investment you are making. Make sure you really understand the pros and cons of the choosing a particular investment asset. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages against your financial goals.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Investing In Leveraged Real Estate

Real estate investments, Real estate investors, real estate Investor websites, real estate investing tips, real Estate Investment Steps

Investors have been using leverage to buy real estate for years. For most of us our home is our first leveraged investment in real estate. One of the world's largest leveraged real estate investors is Donald Trump, who parlayed his father's modest apartment holdings into one of today's most well known real estate portfolios. The World English Dictionary defines financial leverage as, "borrow money hoping to Home buying make more: to borrow money in order to buy a company, relying on it to make enough profit to cover the Home buying advice interest payable on the loan." Many of those touting the use of leverage to purchase real estate would change this definition like this one found in an florida real estate investing internet advertisement, "leverage is the use of borrowed money to increase your profits in an investment." Of course there is no mention of possibility that the real estate investment may not have enough cash flow to pay the interest on the loan or that it may not have a positive cash flow at all or it may decrease in value.

An entire new industry has been created to teach us how to use leverage to buy real estate. We have all seen the advertisements for books, courses, and seminars on how to make millions this way. Unlike the past few investment in real estate cycles, abundant financing Buying a home for sale by owner has made it easier to leverage these real estate investments and the gurus of the industry are taking advantage of the opportunity to sell us these how-to products.

According to SMR Research Corporation, "In the first half of 2005, 38.1% of home buyers who used financing borrowed more than 95% of the orlando investment properties purchase price. This was up from 34.1% in full-year 2004 and only 30.6% back in 2000." This increase in leverage has become Buying construction home new available with greater use of creative financing vehicles, like piggyback loans. These loans combine a low interest rate 80% first mortgage (not requiring mortgage insurance) with a second mortgage or equity line. According to SMR, "In the Low income home buying first half of 2005, the real estate piggyback figure rose to 48.2%." This is but one area where leverage is being used, the household residence.

Investors have been using leverage to buy real estate for years. For most of us our home is our first leveraged investment in real estate. One of the world's largest leveraged real estate investors is Donald Trump, who parlayed his father's modest apartment holdings into one of today's most well known real estate investing portfolios. The World English Dictionary defines financial leverage as, "borrow money hoping to make more: to borrow money in order to buy a company, relying on it to make enough profit to cover the Investing information interest payable on the loan." Many of those touting the use of leverage to purchase real estate would change this definition like this one found in an internet advertisement, "leverage is the use of borrowed money to increase your profits in an real estate investment." Of course there is no mention of possibility that the investment may not have enough cash flow to pay the interest on the loan or that it may not have a positive cash flow at all or it may decrease in value.

An entire new industry has been created to teach us how to use leverage to buy real estate. We have all seen the advertisements for books, courses, and seminars on how to make millions this way. Unlike the past few real estate cycles, abundant financing has made Investing in property it easier to leverage these real estate investments and the gurus of the industry are taking advantage of the opportunity to sell us these how-to products.

According to SMR Research Corporation, "In the first half of 2005, 38.1% of home buyers who used financing borrowed more than 95% of the Real estate appraisal purchase price. This was up from 34.1% in full-year 2004 and only 30.6% back in 2000." This increase in leverage has become available with greater use of Real estate attorney creative financing vehicles, like piggyback loans. These loans combine a low interest rate 80% first mortgage (not requiring mortgage insurance) with a second mortgage or Real estate developer home builder equity line. According to SMR, "In the Real estate buying a home first half of 2005, the piggyback figure rose to 48.2%." This is but one area where leverage is being used, the household residence.

So how do we guard against such a loss? Use leverage wisely. Leverage increases Real estate investing your return in a rising market, but increases the real estate investing tip risk of loss when things go wrong. Real estate investments do not increase in value on a steady upward path. Real estate values fluctuate in cycles and in different locations. Many markets today are experiencing decreases in values after the Real estate investing article speculative excesses of last year. Professionals have learned to use these predictable cycles. They also have learned not to over leverage, then to lose everything when the Real estate investing information conditions change.

Learn from the professional real estate investor and don't get caught up in the "get rich quick" hype of highly leveraged real estate.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

4 Ways to Make Money on Real Estate Investments

Real estate investments, Real estate investors, real estate Investor websites, real estate investing tips, real Estate Investment Steps

Many real estate professionals use their experience in buying and selling properties to finance a comfortable retirement. "As real estate professionals, we're uniquely qualified to implement various investment in real estate strategies and to see opportunities that many people are never exposed to. Those who don't participate are missing a golden opportunity," says Dan Bohlke of Bell-Key Properties Inc. in Hampton, Va. Consider these real estate investment strategies.

1. Buy and hold for rental income. For the last 14 years, Bohlke and his business partner-wife, Karen, have been systematically buying well-located single-family homes at or slightly below the current median sale price Buying home selling tip for their area—from $80,000 to $120,000. Most are acquired by assuming existing mortgages of former owners or through owner financing. Once the properties are Buying foreclosed home paid off, they generate about a 7.5 percent to 8 percent annual rate of return. That means a $100,000 house that is paid for should florida real estate investment produce about $7,500 to $8,000 a year in spendable cash flow after paying real estate taxes, insurance, maintenance, management, and other fees.

"You need just $1 million in paid-for real estate—or 10 homes costing $100,000 each—to produce a real estate retirement income of $75,000 to $80,000 per year," Bohlke explains. "It self-adjusts upward with inflation, so you won’t be living on a fixed income. And as the properties increase in value, so does your net worth.”

TIP: Buy properties near each other; it’ll make management easier.

TIP: Using a professional property management company to manage your real estate investments creates a liability barrier between you and your clients because the property manager handles all day-to-day operations and assumes a portion of the risks from issues such as lead-paint disclosure and fair housing practices. —Daniel Bohlke, Bell-Key Properties Inc., Hampton, Va.

2. Buy, hold, and eventually sell. Another strategy used by Dan Bohlke is what he calls “the real estate garden concept." Periodic, sequential investing in real estate involves acquiring properties at the rate of one or two per year and then systematically reselling them after 12 to 15 years. "The soil is your local real estate market, the seeds are the real estate properties you acquire, and the fruit is rental and sale proceeds," he explains. "When your crop matures after 12 to 15 years, you can start selling the Free real estate article properties each year in the order of their purchase, using a portion of the proceeds of each sale to reseed your garden (acquire more properties) and using the remainder to live on in retirement."

With this approach, two properties acquired per year and sold after 15 years should produce a perpetual income estate investment real stream of more than $100,000 a year, even after setting aside enough money to continue acquiring two properties per year.

Another choice is to sell off half the properties you've acquired over the years and use the sale proceeds to pay off the other half. This would First time home buying create a cash flow from the remaining paid-for properties as in the buy-and-hold strategy above.

3. Buy and resell. Real estate professionals often have the advantage of Buying a home in long island recognizing changing markets or houses with untapped potential and are able to capitalize by Buying a manufactured home buying low and selling high. Eric Goosen, Goosen Realty Services, St. Clair Shores, Mich., buys two-to-four-unit rental buildings. Because he lives at each property, Goosen’s often able to put only 10 percent down, as opposed to 40 percent or more for investment property. Often he holds the Buying financing home property for two years, so he can take advantage of the $250,000 capital gains exemption on the sale of a personal residence to avoid a portion of the Estate real agents home buying taxes on the sale. Goosen also renovates the properties to increase their value.

TIP: Institute a guaranteed sales program to buy the homes that don't sell by the end of the listing period at your company; it can create a ready made pipeline for new real estate investments. —Bill Watson, Watson Realty Corp., Jacksonville, Fla.

TIP: Don’t take advantage of a buyer’s plight and Buying home loan buy a home at an unfair price. It will damage your business reputation in the community.

4. Build and sell. Developing properties isn’t for everyone, but your market knowledge often helps you identify up-and-coming areas Article estate investment real where in-fill development is justified.

In New Orleans, Bill and GiGi Burk of Burk Realty use a computer-based analysis program he developed to determine the highest cost-per-square-foot price the Buying a home without realtor market will bear. He then compares that cost to the Buying a manufactured home actual estimates for buying Article estate investment real land and completing construction and determines if he can sell the property for a high enough return (15 percent to 25 percent or more) to justify the risk. Equally tough is paperwork and Buying a home in long island patience needed to obtain permits and Buying a new home local zoning approvals. Downtimes in the market are a great time to execute a develop-and-sell strategy, says Bill Burk. “We’ll be ready when the market comes back.”

TIP: You can use pre-tax retirement dollars to investment in real estate through a “self-directed” IRA . All income and expenses from the agent estate real property are paid for by the IRA, but you can make buy and sell Apartment buying home loan decisions with the approval of the account’s custodian.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Real Estate Flipping Investments

Real estate investments, Real estate investors, real estate Investor websites, real estate investing tips, real Estate Investment Steps

Two people, so a saying goes, can look at one thing and see two different things.

In the world of real estate, there are only two people involved in the process, the buyer and the seller. Whoever gets the most benefits, nobody can tell. But whether it's the Investing real estate buyer or the investing online real estate seller's game, getting involved in real estate business can be a very rewarding feat.

Real estate, in a general sense, refers to anything that Investment advice is permanently set on a piece of land such as buildings. The concept investment of real estate lies on the fact that because of real estate property ownership, real estate has turned out to be the most important theme in the business. And when there is a business, there is money.

Nowadays, there are people who buy investment real estate orlando houses not just because they want to own a home but for financial reasons.

Generally, these moneymakers would get a home equity loan from their real estate and then use it as a deposit for another property.

Thereafter, he or she will sell the investment property florida other property at a higher value. This is better known as "flipping".

This is the reason why most mortgage lenders and builders would rather sell their real estate to customers whose purpose to buy a Investment option house is purely residential. Lenders and construction builders see these so-called "flippers' as a treat to their business.

For this reason, many builders include some anti-speculation writing clauses within the sales contract. It is stipulated in the contract that the Investing article owner will be reprimanded if he or she will sell the real estate investor within one year. It may also include a clause stating the defensive privilege of the Investing information builder to buy back the real estate at the selling price. This is applicable if the owner will resell the real estate within a year after the date of purchase.

But nevertheless, there are still people who try speculating investing in real estate especially if they have loads of perspective.

buyers who can compensate the higher rate of the Investment management property plus the cost it brings.

In a basic sense, property owners can do most anything with their real estate. The only drawback is that speculating on real estate investments fads can be really risky because nobody knows if and when the Investing in real estate online "bubble" will burst.

But then, most business experts contend that what you Investing in property depends on your capacity to Investing in real estate take risk. So, if you want more income, you have to take more risk...risks that you're confident enough to face.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Commercial Real Estate, The Asset That Keeps On Giving

Real estate investments, Real estate investors, real estate Investor websites, real estate investing tips, real Estate Investment Steps

A commercial mortgage is different from a agent estate real residential mortgage. In a residential scenario the bank is simply looking at the value of the Investing resource property and the buyer's ability to pay. In a commercial scenario the bank not only looks at the property value and the Investing information credit worthiness of the guarantor, but also the company's financial history and the income generated from the Investment advisor commercial property. It is always good to have someone on your side to make sure the Investment home process goes smoothly.

In many cases it is much more beneficial, as a real estate news business owner, to own your property in opposition to leasing. Commercial mortgages are available, depending on loan-to-value, as stated income or full documentation. These mortgages are also Steps in buying a home available as a fixed or real estate investing tipadjustable rate mortgage. Amortization can be defined at a 30, 25, 20, 15 or 10 year schedule.

Business Mortgages give a residential landlord a choice of different mortgage products for all types of estate investing real commercial properties and with several different mortgage interest options. Specific lenders offer products that real estate investment vary and offer very creative financing solutions for a business. Some programs offer commercial business owners with development options. Large scale apartment estate real sale complexes and high rise developments offer a great Free real estate article source of residual income. Commercial real estate investors are aware of this and are ready to lend for commercial development.

In addition it is becoming more and more common to have Buying a home in bountiful commercial properties that are owner occupied. Whether occupying the entire property or commercially leasing a Buying a new home portion while retaining the remainder, there are options that Buying an investment home make this type of financing possible.

Commercial Mortgage loans are important for all types of Bankruptcy and buying a home business whether new or established. It is a very good way for a company to write off the broker estate real mortgage interest when searching for a Business investment tax advantage. In addition it is a very simple way for a company to create capital when needed. Real estate is an asset that appraisal estate real generally appreciates. Financing secured by an asset is more beneficial for a lender than unsecured financing. Unsecured financing holds more risk for a lender so even when requesting an unsecured line the Business investing lender may require an asset to secure the line any way.

As a business owner there are many ways to create Apartment buying home loan capital, whether through loans, the sale of appraisal estate real stock, or increased revenue. The important part is to Business investing realize that real estate offers an asset that Article estate investment real most likely will not depreciate and can be drawn off on more than one occasion. It also shows potential lenders the stability required to offer a financing package.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Real Estate Values - How to lock In Your Current Value Even If Prices Fall

Real estate investments, Real estate investors, real estate Investor websites, real estate investing tips, real Estate Investment Steps

There are many schemes offered by a variety of companies that will help you protect real estate investments values.

The scheme enclosed allows you Buying an investment home to lock in your property's value at its current value even if property prices fall.

How do these schemes work? Let's find out.

What is locking in value?

The price, at which you lock in your property, is the value you locked Buying wholesale home decor it in at and is the minimum price you will receive for it you will receive for it, should you decide to sell it.

Locking in the value of your property at a Buying a new home specific minimum value has advantages for buying on homeowners.

The concept is simple, provides protection of commercial real estate news value (for several years), peace of mind, and comes at an affordable cost.

Set value or a Profit

You therefore have a guaranteed value for your property even, if the market declines. If on the other hand your real estate value rises you can make a profit to.

The option on your locked value can then be exercised at your Real estate broker discretion should you decide to sell it.

You decide

In the event that home prices decline and Real estate article you decide to sell, you may exercise your option. If house prices rise, you will probably choose not to exercise your option. It is up to you what you do.

Assume you are a current homeowner and your house is worth $500,000.

You wish to ensure that Home buying tip even if property prices falls in value, the amount you receive for your property will never be less than $500,000.

You therefore have "locked-in the value" of your property.

In exchange for a small fee you have an option to sell the Estate in investing real property at an agreed price. Which will have locked in the real estates value.

There is no obligation to sell the Buying first home property within the period, at all.

Periods are normally 5 - 10 years

A profit or a set price.

If say in three years time you want to sell your house, and you are offered $600,000, you could accept the offer and make a profit.

If prices drop, and in three years time the best price you can obtain is Buying first home $400,000, you can still sell it for $500,000 at the lock in price.

Peace of mind.

These schemes are becoming more popular as the outlook for home buying advice property prices looks more uncertain.

Homeowners know if prices rise they can make a real estate web profits and if prices fall they have locked in a value.

In the event of price falls commercial real estate news, other properties will have dropped in value.

Homeowners can then buy an equivalent property cheaper and bank the real estate investor websites extra money, or buy a better property with the money they have locked in.

Take a look at these schemes and the prices and real estate investing information you will see they are good value for money for the flexibility and peace of mind they offer.

These schemes are a great tool for Short term investing homeowners to ensure they don't lose and Investing in property if they move in a falling market the benefits are great.

Friday, June 20, 2008

REAL ESTATE: Affordable Apartments For Rent

Whenever someone lands in a new city, especially for a long duration stay, one of the first things that needs to be taken care of is a place to stay. But with the cost of living being so high and with good housing being so rare, it is indeed more important to find affordable apartments for rent. But the point is, how does one go about finding affordable apartments for rent? Well, a good place to start would be the yellow pages or the classifieds of the local newspaper.

Having set up home in several cities across the world, I have become an expert of sorts on finding affordable apartments for rent. Personally, I find the weekend newspaper, especially the classifieds section the prime source of such housing. I have spent several pleasant weekends poring over a city map and the classifieds section trying to locate just the right place, at the right distance from home and work. And more often than not, I have succeeded!

But for whatever reason, if the classifieds does not work, or even if you are absolutely clueless in the new city, one of the other sources that has often worked for me is the neighborhood mart or grocery shop. Have you ever been to one of these places and noticed the notice board or wall behind the counter?

More often than not there are smallish advertisements pasted on it. These are not the multi colored fancy works of art you might find inserted in your daily newspaper. But in any given residential locality they are often the most inexpensive and effective way to find affordable flats for rent in addition to a whole host of other items.

In the worst case scenario, if both the newspaper classifieds and the neighborhood grocery store are not successful in helping you find affordable apartments for rent, then you might have to engage the services of a reliable housing agent. One good way to locate a credible housing agent would be to ask around your office. Your colleagues or even the locals might be able to point you to a good agent who can get you affordable apartments for rent.

Remember however that the housing agent would normally charge you a commission for his/her services. But this is a standard and is applicable in all cities around the globe. Be that as it may, using any of these methods, you are sure to find affordable apartments for rent.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Real Estate Investing Strategy: Make Money With Wholesaling

Your exit strategy is an extremely important part of your real estate investing business. In fact, it is one of the most important parts. Sometimes investors get excited because they learn how to buy properties, they find them and they get the money lined up to purchase them. But after the purchase, the excitement dies, as they have no idea what to do with their newly owned properties.

You must know your exit strategy when you buy. What do you plan to do with the property? Knowing this allows you to make all types of decisions, from how much to offer, to what kind of financing to use, and more. One strategy is to incorporate wholesaling into your real estate business plans.

What is Wholesaling?

It is simply finding a bargain property and passing it on to a bargain hunter. That bargain hunter will be an investor who will either purchase the property to resell it or purchase it to hold it for rental income. Your profit as a wholesaler should be between $5000 and $15,000 on each house. In some cases it will be higher than $15,000 and on some deals your profit may be a little lower than $5,000.

Why wholesale?

Real estate investors choose to wholesale properties for a few reasons. They could be:

1. Quick cash - it is possible to turn a property around anywhere from 7 to 45 days and get cash in your pocket. If you need to get your hands on some cash quickly, this would be a reason to wholesale. Or, you may not need the cash immediately. You might just want to build your cash reserves. Wholesaling is a good way to do this quickly.

2. Too many houses - maybe you're good at finding houses, but you find more than you need or can use at any given time. If this is the case, wholesaling is a smart move for you. You can still profit from your locating skills, even if you aren't going to keep the property for your own personal portfolio.

3. Flexibility - at any given time, you can determine whether you want to keep a property or sell it. This gives you flexibility as you locate and purchase properties.

An important fact to remember!

Probably the most important thing that you need to remember when you decide to wholesale is: your buyer should get the majority of the profit! This is important because your buyer will be the one to purchase and rehab the property. There has to be enough room in the deal for your buyer to do this and still retain a nice amount of money for cash out and/or equity.

This does not mean that you find properties and give them away for $1,000. Your profit will vary depending on the house, but the better you are at locating properties and putting together offers, the greater your profit will be - while still maintaining an excellent profit for your buyer.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Investment Real Estate Advice & Tips

It's funny how often you hear people ask for advice or tips in the investment real estate industry. It's like many people believe that there is just one magic piece of advice that is keeping them from being the next big real estate mogul. It's true there is much you learn while working in the industry but most of it is subtle and can only be picked up through trial and error. Sometimes I can't resist and I answer the question "Buy it cheap and sell it high",of course this really doesn't help any serious investor but it does answer the question.

I've been in this industry for over 19 years selling pre-construction and investment real estate. I remember my first few months with a brokerage when other brokers saw I was focusing on second homes and pre-construction real estate investments they told me I picked the wrong market to specialize in and the bubble is going to pop in a few months. They said traditional real estate is where the money is and no one would invest their hard earned money in properties that aren't even built yet. Here it is almost two decades later and the market is stronger then ever and the bubble never popped and pre-construction real estate is the most sought after real estate in the country. Giving investment real estate advice and tips just comes naturally to me and is in my veins.

The best advice or tip I can give with pre-construction real estate investing is that if you follow the rules below you'll be that much closer to becoming a real estate investor. This is just the basics of basics but should help the novice to mid level investor avoid some pitfalls.

* Anyone Can Be a Real Estate Investor - It's true, there is no secret hand shake or large conspiracy. Investing in real estate is not just for the Donald Trumps and Bill Gates of the world, it's for every decently well off person. Yes you do need money to make money in this industry but you'd be surprised how little capital you actually need, and now with fractional ownership growing in popularity it's even easier for the small investor.

* Research Your Development Before You Buy - This seems like common sense but trust me many investors have bought developers nightmare properties. A good example is a hotel owner here in Orlando couldn't rent out his units for $39 a night so he slapped "Phase One Real Estate Available" on the side of his building and sold each of the units for $79,000 a piece. Here's a free tip, don't be fooled by the "Pre-construction" or "Phase One" hype. If a development is a bad investment it doesn't how early you buy it.

* Find a Trustworthy Brokerage - I hear horror stories every week of an investor doing his due diligence and finding a great investment opportunity only to be talked out of it by his investment brokerage or agent. Keep in mind that many agents have deals with developers so the more the sell of that project the high commission they get from it. So if they convince you to buy their "premiere" property they can receive anywhere from 2-8% more per sale even though the sales price is the same.

* Browse Before You Buy - This is the classic mistake not just in investing but in any market. Don't buy in the first development you see or hear of. Just because it was the first investment real estate project you saw doesn't make it the best. One of the top reasons new investors want to buy a specific project is because a friend of theirs made a lot of money from it and they want to do the same. This is not always the smartest move, the people who buy early are the ones making the bulk of the profit from a development. If you try buying into the same real estate project 18 months after your friend made a killing in it chances are you missed your big opportunity. The good news is there are many other developments opening up out there that are great investments.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Truth About Real Estate Investing - Is It Right For You?

You have probably been hearing, seeing and reading that real estate investing is the best thing since sliced bread. There are many late night cable television infomercials spewing out sales pitches for courses that teach you how to buy residential real estate no money down or for next to nothing. Furthermore, polished pitch men on the advertisement emphasize that it is so easy that anybody can do it. They smugly show you that it is simple as they pencil out on the back of a napkin how you will supposedly make a fortune in real estate. Then these real estate investment course promoters show "actual" interviews of people who have reportedly made gobs of money with the course system.

Although it is true that fortunes can be made in real estate it is actually more likely that it will be the guru owner of the real estate course than you! The reason is that real estate investing is a lot harder than most people realize. When you buy, rent, and sell real estate as opposed to stocks you are dealing directly with people and there is not organized exchange to keep things standardized. Don't forget that courts see it as their duty to protect the shelter of families even if they are non paying renters who are total deadbeats. Another problem is that many contractors who do odd fix up jobs for real estate rehabbers are drifters with as many personal and financial problems as bad tenants. They damage houses and are down the street as soon as they get a little cash out of the hapless real estate investor.

It also takes many years to learn how to properly assess value in a town or neighborhood and get the required experience in real estate closings to not have the big profits you initially think you see in a deal leak out. The key point of this edition of the "Wallet Doctor" is that real estate investing is a business. Like any other business it requires constant dedication and education. If you work full time it means losing your free time to your rentals and rehabs. If a property doesn't sell or if the tenant doesn't pay you will have to lose part of your salary to cover the mortgage. You should enjoy your regular full time job because you selected it. If you prefer cookouts and trips to the beach over collecting rent and repairing your residential real estate investment then the stock market is a better place for you.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Calpers Real Estate

We invest in a variety of real estate investment vehicles - from apartments to shopping malls. Our three-component real estate program includes partnerships, direct investments, and new investment opportunities.

Refer to our Asset Allocation information to find out how much we currently have invested in real estate.

Calpers Real Estate overview

The CalPERS real estate program is comprised of two distinct portfolios - Core and Specialized. The Core Portfolio is managed to be broadly diversified by property type and geography, maintain high occupancy, emphasize current income, and exhibit prudent use of leverage. The Core includes four property types: apartment, industrial, office, and retail. These investments are acquired and managed through REITs, separate accounts, partnerships, and limited liability corporations between CalPERS and investment advisory firms. The program has developed partnerships with various external managers whose mandate is to explore new opportunities in various real estate sectors.

The Non-Core Portfolio includes the following property types: national housing, single family housing, senior housing, urban, natural resources (timber and agriculture), technology, opportunistic, and international. Like the Core Portfolio, these investments are acquired and managed through multiple investment vehicles.

The goal of the real estate program is to perform as "the investor of choice" and leverage marketplace opportunities to achieve superior risk-adjusted returns.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Real Estate Investing Strategy: Make Money With Wholesaling

Your exit strategy is an extremely important part of your real estate investing business. In fact, it is one of the most important parts. Sometimes investors get excited because they learn how to buy properties, they find them and they get the money lined up to purchase them. But after the purchase, the excitement dies, as they have no idea what to do with their newly owned properties.

You must know your exit strategy when you buy. What do you plan to do with the property? Knowing this allows you to make all types of decisions, from how much to offer, to what kind of financing to use, and more. One strategy is to incorporate wholesaling into your real estate business plans.

What is Wholesaling?

It is simply finding a bargain property and passing it on to a bargain hunter. That bargain hunter will be an investor who will either purchase the property to resell it or purchase it to hold it for rental income. Your profit as a wholesaler should be between $5000 and $15,000 on each house. In some cases it will be higher than $15,000 and on some deals your profit may be a little lower than $5,000.

Why wholesale?

Real estate investors choose to wholesale properties for a few reasons. They could be:

1. Quick cash - it is possible to turn a property around anywhere from 7 to 45 days and get cash in your pocket. If you need to get your hands on some cash quickly, this would be a reason to wholesale. Or, you may not need the cash immediately. You might just want to build your cash reserves. Wholesaling is a good way to do this quickly.

2. Too many houses - maybe you're good at finding houses, but you find more than you need or can use at any given time. If this is the case, wholesaling is a smart move for you. You can still profit from your locating skills, even if you aren't going to keep the property for your own personal portfolio.

3. Flexibility - at any given time, you can determine whether you want to keep a property or sell it. This gives you flexibility as you locate and purchase properties.

Monday, May 26, 2008

16 Tips to Buy Real Estate Successfully

1. Do not overanalyze. You may lose a lot of great opportunities to make great deal of money. Start making offers. 2. Get the property under a contract first with a safety clause. 3. Ask fellow investors, real estate broker about the property value. If it makes sense go ahead with the purchase. 4. If you are buying for a quick flip neighborhoods do not matter. What matters is the $$$ you are going to make. 5. Your perfect buy should be a house/condo/building in excellent condition and in a good neighborhood. 6. Your Second choice should be a cosmetic fixer in a good neighborhood. 7. Inspect the property. Try to get as many things fixed by the seller as possible. Check the neighborhood. Drive around the block. Look at the houses in the neighborhood, what is their condition. Look at the cars parked in the street. Old cars normally can tell you a lot about the neighborhood. Trash on the sidewalks can spell less then great neighborhood. Which in turns means you should buy and sell quickly (most of the time). Renting in those neighborhood could be challenging, especially for the new investor.

8. Use a real estate agent or broker. My first great deal was found by a broker. Try to get access to the MLS so you can look for deals yourself. 9. Shop around for Financing. My experiences with the loan officers tells me one thing. Email them your questions and ask them to email you back their answers or put them on paper. They tend to always change terms and rates (though illegal), and put junk charges. 10. Try to reduce your Title/Escrow charges review them with an experienced investor or real estate agent. 11. Use a real estate attorney for your foreclosure/pre-foreclosure purchases. 12. You can check these free Real Estate Investing Educational sites:

13. Make connections with other fellow real estate investors. You can learn great deal first hand experience from them. One peace of advice alone could be worth thousands for you. So if you like challenges and lifetime learning Real Estate Investing is a great field to work and have fun. 14. Advertise yourself. Get business cards hand them to interested people. Place ads in the newspaper and use whatever other means of advertising you can think of. 15. Use the right Real Estate Forms when you buy and sell. If you don't have any forms here is a website you can print forms for free: 16. Do not be afraid to buy real estate. Fear and lack of knowledge are the number one factor for failure.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

REAL ESTATE : Beach House Rentals Cost

Beach House Rentals Cost

We all love the sound of the ocean and the warm sand between our toes. Feel that bright sun washing over your tired body. Ahh, no wonder we all want to live at the beach. Sadly this is easier said than done.

I mean have you actually check out beach-front real estate lately? It sells for a pretty penny. Make that a gorgeous penny. Clearly most of us can't afford that summer home right on the water's edge. However, that doesn't mean you can't take advantage of beach house rentals. Many of these are available on both coasts. Therefore you can take a break and enjoy the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean if you please.

As expected, many beach house rentals are extremely high priced. Much has to do with what you're looking for. Some beach homes I searched recently online were way over my head.

I spotted a nice two story, simple honeymoon home right on the Florida coast, but was shocked at the rates. It read 3400 for summer rental. Now, I can't afford 3400 a month on top of my regular house payment. I can't imagine many of us could. Then when I clicked on the beach house to read more, I discovered something more absurd. The rate wasn't per month; it was per week.

OUCH! My thoughts immediately went to celebrities and business moguls like Donald Trump. Who else could afford such rates for a summer beach home? I too want to have a blast on the beach during spring break of hot July, but not for that rate.

Naturally you can find some beach house rentals for less dough. But, don't kid yourself. They can also go much higher. Try nine grand per week during the high season, which is spring break and the summer months. Obviously these are the most desirable times to visit the beach. On the bright side, most of these beach homes are truly loaded with luxury goodness.

It's all about the spacious rooms, hot tubs and swimming pools for parties. One particular website you can check out for up-close photos is I will suggest browsing for beach homes in North Carolina and South Carolina. Many I've seen go for considerably less than what you'll find in Florida and California.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Real Estate Listings Provide Clues For Buyers

Real estate listings have a comprehensive view of the properties that are available to buyers ready for Buying Real Estate in India. The real estate listings usually include the latest information on the properties. The real estate listings can help all those people interested in buying some real estate get a quick and complete view of the market in a particular area. Buying a home is a grand undertaking and individuals will not want to make any decisions without the latest information that is available on the real estate listings. The purchase of a primary residence or a vacation home usually is a long term commitment, and the papers are final once they are signed.

The real estate listings include the latest information on all of the properties available, and these listings also provide other important information. The real estate listings usually provide information on the contact numbers for the agent in charge of showing and selling each property. This information can save each buyer considerable time when trying to contact the proper people for viewing each available property. The real estate listings will usually provide information on the price for each available property. This information provides an opportunity to begin a comparison of the properties for consideration.

Real estate listings can provide other information besides the price of one individual property. The listings will show many different properties, and a potential buyer can see how the properties compare with each of the others. The real estate listings will show the square footage for each property and the square footage of the lot on which the property is set. This information can show why one property is worth more than other properties. The listings will often show the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. Of course, these are all factors that a buyer will want to consider when buying a property.

The listings will usually provide the age of the property so the buyer can decide if they are interested in a property without leaving the office of their agent. Some buyers love older homes while others want a brand new home. A look at the listings will help them narrow their search while saving their time. The real estate listings usually show how long the property has been on the market. This could provide some insight for the agent and the potential buyer. If a property has been on the market for a while, the seller might consider a lower price for the property.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Real Estate Marketing Online - Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing Services

When you do a search in your favorite search engine, where does your real estate website come up? If your site doesn’t come up in the first few pages then you are missing out on a huge resource for generating new potential clients as well as sales. It is estimated that more than 90% of real estate searches now start online and most of them start from one of the major search engines.

Eyeflow, the owners and operators behind many high traffic real estate related websites including, have been helping real estate agents, developers, and mortgage brokers improve traffic and search engine rankings since 2001.

Why choose Eyeflow for your real estate Internet marketing needs?

1. Eyeflow has created one of the most visited national investment real estate website networks in the world in just under 6 months.

2. Unlike other online marketing firms, Eyeflow boasts a robust knowledge of the real estate and finance industries that provide clients with an edge over the competition.

3. Eyeflow knows how to effectively leverage the online real estate community. Our years of experience have provided us with the wisdom to identify how people in your specific market are searching, where they are searching, and what terms and techniques they are using to search.

For a limited time:

Eyeflow is offering a FREE 3 month optimized approved partner ad page on, one of the most visited real estate web sites on the Internet, with ANY marketing package.

What does this mean?

Eyeflow will build you a customized web page on that will offer your real estate related product or service WITH your direct contact information. It is

Real estate industry related professionals we work with:

* Real Estate Developers (Commercial and Residential)
* Mortgage Brokers and Agents
* Real Estate Agents and Brokers
* Property Management Companies

Eyeflow offers multiple packages to suit all budgets – whether you are an agent new to the industry or you own a seasoned nationwide brokerage, we have the right marketing solution for you.

What we do:

With every package, we offer a wide array of services to help generate more leads to your business via the Internet. Here are just a few of the services we provide:

1. Aricle Submission – Eyeflow technicians will create and distribute articles about your product or service on your behalf to hundreds of article directories online. Not only will these articles rank themselves, but they will also contain a link back to your site creating hundreds of quality one way links to your site. These links will naturally bring traffic in to your web site. Additionally, the links will improve your web site’s rankings.

2. Link Building – We will send out thousands of link requests on your site’s behalf to obtain one way links from quality real estate related websites.

3. Real Estate Directory Submission – Did you know that getting listed in high profile directories is a quick and easy way to achieve a higher rank on many major search engines? Eyeflow has a ever growing list of the most effective directories for submission. We will hand submit your site to these directories, resulting in hundreds of quality one way links.

4. Site Optimization – Most web developers do not have a web site’s search engine rankings in mind when they build your site, resulting in your web site getting lost in search engine limbo, or not ranking as effectively as it could. Experienced Eyeflow technicians will go through your site and optimize the code that could be hurting your search engine rankings as well as add new code and content that is search engine friendly.